Divendres, 30 de octubre

He acabat tot el que tenia que fer i vaig
de camí al centre a per algo de esmorzar
Hoy vamos a aprender
Donde estabas ayer; repite conmigo
M’he abrigat prou i m’he posat el gorro blanc que vaig comprar al Cabanyal
(sempre tire de menys els dijous al mercat i carregar amb jerseis de iaios)
perquè no vull passar fred ni despentinarme
Wo warst du gestern?
vo vast du gestern, dic en veu baixa
mentre la dona que passa pel costat se’m queda mirant amb cara interrogant
Val, quasi, una vegada més

repite conmigo
I jo per a mi en veu baixa
wu vast du gesgern
ara un poc millor,

necessitava anar a pixar i he entrat al "café 1648 " que es meravellós
perquè sentada a la taula veus tota la ciutat desde dalt
i l'esglèsia de San Lamberto i la Catedral del San Pablo
però hui sols volia anar al bany perquè es més meravellós encara
i pixes veient la ciutat des de dalt i es una bona forma de començar el matí també

El café hui m’apetia prendre'l al carrer.
El demane "bitte herausnehmen"
amb una pèsima però no cansada pronunciació i l'agafe, calentet.

Em senc com a una serie americana, sols que ací fan 10 graus i no vaig agobiada a l'oficina que no tinc com Harvey Specter a Suits.

M’he quedat baix de la catedral observant la gent que passava amb presses i als pares cansats d'agafar a braços als bebés embutits en trajes d'una sola peça, els cuals han renunciat a pujar-se al seu carret

He continuat i estic sentada a un banc on fa uns minuts hi havia un guía explicant l’arquitectura de la catedral a un grup de gent i el meu subconscient ha decidit que era una bona idea sentar-se a sentir (que no escoltar) l’explicació

se n’han anat

i ara s'ha sentat un xic a l’altra punta

esmorza un bollycao d’aquestos que als dibuixos pareixien meravellosos pero a saber tot el que porta i bueno un suc de melocotó que pareix que ja s’ha acabat

no m’acabe el café perquè m’agrada seguir caminant amb ell a la mà

I have finished all I have to do today and
I'm on my way to the city center
to have breakfast
Today we’ll learn
Where were you yesterday; repeat with me
I've bundled up quite a bit
and I have put on me the white hat that I bought in the Cabanyal market
(I always miss being on thursdays at the market and buying grandfather sweaters)
because I don’t want to get cold or
mess up
Wo warst du gestern?- The podcast's man saids
vo vast du gestern, I say by myself softly
while the women passing by my side
looks me with a questioning face
okay, almost done, one more time
repeat with mysealf
And I repeated by myself
wu vast du gesgern
a little bit better,
I needed to go to the toilet
so I entered in the "Café 1648" which is Wonderfull because while you are siting in,
you can see the whole city from above,
and the San Lamberto's church or the St Paul's Cathedral
But today I only wanted to enter in the toilet
because it's even more wonderfull
and you piss watching the city from the top
and I think it's a good way to start the day too

I wanted to have the coffee on the street.
I order it "bitte herausnehmen" with a pessimistic but not tired pronunciation,
and I take it, still warm.
I feel like in a American serie,
only here it's 10 degrees
and I don't go in a hurry to the office which I don't have,
like Harvey Specter in Suits
I stayed under the cathedral,
looking the people walking fast
and parents tired of holding babies in one-piece bodysuits
who have given up on getting into the trolley
I continued.
Now, I'm sitting in a bench
where a few minutes ago
there was a tour guide explaining the Cathedral's architecture
to a crow of people and my
subconscious decided that was a good idea siting to listen the explanation.
they left
now there is a guy sitting at the other end of the bench
Eating fast bakery, which in cartoons seemed delicious
(but who knows what they're carrying)
and a peach juice that seems to have run out
I don't finish my coffee because I like to keep walking with it
as much as possible